4-AcO-MET Fumarate

From: $42.99

Product Information

IUPAC: 3-(2-Ethyl(methyl)aminoethyl)-1H-indol-4-yl acetate

CAS: 1445751-40-5

Format: Fumarate salt



4-AcO-MET Fumarate

From: $42.99

Chemical analysis data available on request.

SDS available for download here.

This product is not approved for human or animal testing in vivo.

Notice: This product is slightly discolored due to this batch having experienced some air exposure. The product would normally be an off-white color, but it now appears dark-brownish. This is nothing more than a visual imperfection and the quality and purity of the product remain unaffected.

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NOTICE: We are out of the office Monday and Tuesday. Normal business will resume on Wednesday, September 18th.

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